Any loss or damage claims or disputes relating to the Trade- Fair package or the Conference will be governed by the Indian Law and Courts of Alappuzha jurisdiction only. However in the event of a dispute, both parties agree to arbitra- tion before approaching any court of law.

  • Exhibitiors will need to comply with exhibition Rules and Regulations laid down by Organisers and local authorities.
  • No Construction or allied work will be allowed in the stall after the deadline given above.
  • Smoking is strictly prohibited in the entire exhibition/ conference area. Spray Painting as well as welding of stand panels with oil based paints and any inflammable materials inside the halls are strictly prohibited. No projection will be allowed which may cause any obstruc tion to the neighbouring stalls.
  • Playing of loud music or sound disturbing others is not permissible. Display materials, Sign Boards, Standee, Roll-ups, Flags Buntings, Furniture, Equipments or exhibits should not protrude into the aisles/passage, and not extend beyond the rental space.
  • Stall construction is confined to the rented stand space only.
  • Exhibitors will be held liable and will be fined 150% for any actual damage caused to the exhibition site by them, their agents/representatives/contractors or labour.
  • Please note that for any damage, the Organisers will charge the exhibitor concerned to 150% of the actual of the damage caused. Exhibitors should ensure that no pins, nails or screws are drilled into the stall panels.
  • The Organiser is not responsible for personal accidents and damage to personal or private property of exhibitors. Therefore, exhibitors may wish to make their own arrangements with respect to personal insurance and advised to obtain insurance cover to get insurance of their exhibits/materials. Organisers are not held responsible for any insurance claim liability.


  • Once confirmed, booth space cannot be cancelled or trans- ferred.No refund if postponement or cancellation of event due to reasons beyond organiser's control viz. acts of nature, riots, strikes, etc.
  • Any assigned booth space not claimed occupied and for which no special arrangements have been made prior to the opening of the trade fair, may be resold or re-allocated by the Organisers.
  • It is mandatory to have the respective photo badges by the stallpersonell which are non transferable with the persons deployed on the stalls to maintain a smooth access and security check.
  • All exhibits and respective contents are at the exhibitor's risk. However, as an additional service to the exhibitors, general security will be provided for the protection of exhibits from Friday December 27th 2024 from 9:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. Sunday, 29th Dec 2024.

*Temporary Medical Device Registration Fee & any additional expenses incurred should be borne by the traders.
*All the related documents for Temporary Medical Device Registration should reach on or before 13th September 2024.
For Trade related communication please contact Dr Rajesh CV or +91 99612 32944